Mathemafix Online Assessment   

Testimonials ...

To protect privacy, all real names have been taken out. The student nicknames are shown to match with the performance profiles of students. The following comments were exact words quoted from parents and students.
___ received a 50% scholarship offer from Reddam House. The credit certainly goes to you to make it possible for ___ to achieve this. MAAHI.1's parent, 2024
___ did a test for scholarship at Redham house, he received an offer scholarship 50% . We want to apply for ____ to re sit the year 8 selective test in August. Note: This student use Mathemafix for year 8 selective test. He did the Reddam House scholarship test to warm up. JN1.2's parent, 2024
___ had as offered a scholarship from Georges River Grammar. ____ had interview with the principal today and he did it very well, with confidence and very fluent in his replies/chat. Much appreciated your help and supports throughout many years for both of my boys; Matt21.1's parent, 2024
Just letting you know ____ received the full scholarship and have decided to accept it. Thanks so much for all your help and advice, much appreciated! dtc13's parent, 2024
Hi, I am delighted to tell you that I have been offered 100% scholarship at Meriden. Thank you for your tips and advice! alexa.1's own words, 2024
Just letting you know, MLC has offered a 100% scholarship to ____. We have to reply in a week. Thanks for all your help. sylveon9.1's parent, 2023
__ got offer 100% from Santa Sabina. So we will take the offer. But will still do the selective test. cutiecookie.2's parent, 2023
Cranbrook only offered ____ 25%. ___ has been offer 100% scholarship at Scots. kevcool.2's parent, 2023
___ got overall 50% of scholarship for Scouts. In addition he has an interview with St. George on 10th of May. Brinjal.1's parent, 2023
___ did the Sydney Grammar scholarship & went through to the activity day but was not successful in gaining an interview. ___ also applied for Shore & received full scholarship. He did quite well in the acer test. From the graphs, maths & written expressions almost right at the top.. & humanites just below the top 5% mark. nunchucku1.1's parent, 2023
____ got a scholarship offer for entry to King's School. We are very proud of him. Thank you for all your help! Maksim.1's parent, 2022
Just want you know my daughter has got 100% scholarship offer from Tara. Thanks for you help. serena116.1.1's parent, 2022
We went to PLC Sydney. I told the principal exactly like your advice, full commitment and no time wasting, he seemed pleased. At the end of the interview at PLC Sydney, the principal, surprisingly told ____ she got the scholarship but would ring me later if it would be full or not. We thought it was 50%, We got it anyway(!!!!) And it was 100%. Emmachuotchi.1's parent, 2022
Just wanted to share the good news that my son received 100% scholarship from The Scots College. Thank you for your help. Coolcat2020.1's parent, 2022
___ has got 92.1 /120 marks and he made it to smiths hill high school, which we wanted. Thankyou for all help you've provided. I have recommended the website to many of my friends from Wollongong. Bheri1's parent, 2021
We are extremely happy to share with you that we just got the placement offer to Sydney Girls High School. Such a huge release of stress and worries! Again, thank you very much for being very responsive, supportive and providing us with wise advice and encouragement. Profchuc.1's parent, 2021
You have done it again. Another one for Sydney Boys! Thank you so much again from both of us. We don't really know what 92.5 means out of 120 but it doesn't matter. We are in. coolkid361's parent, 2021
Some results news for you from _____ - he got 4x scholarship offers so far: 50% at Cranbrook 100% at Sydney Grammar 100% at IGS 100% at ____ (____ don't like you to talk about their offers so please keep that private for your stats only) So you can chalk up another success for Mathemafix - we have accepted the offer at Sydney Grammar! patsnip11's parent, 2021
Sorry I didn't contact earlier as I was in a show. My daughter has got an offer for JR with a score of 268.28. It was quite a nice surprise for me!
Thanks again for the help she has got from you all the way from Year 4. Best wishes to you and to Mathemafix!
She is happy with Ravenswood so she didn't do any other scholarship tests.
SuperVJ1's parent, 2019
___ got 261.82 for selective test.
True, he got "not very good" school score. They gave him 88 on his English, and 90 only on his math....which did pull his total score down. There is a classmate from his class who got the same numbers of answers right but 96/95 school scores got 6 points higher than his final score....
But I know a lot of kids from his class got even worse school scores like 70s and couldn't get into JR. Parents are so angry.
coconutnut's parent, 2019
____ made it to Sydney Girls. She got 245 and can you guess she got 17/20 for writing! Moonstone's parent, 2019
___ got 255 mark which is really good. Her English got 3 wrong,math got 5 wrong and GA got 7 wrong. Writing is not good only got 15/20. Miss Watson's parent, 2019
___ got 201.04 for his selective results. He made it into Sefton with reserve 26 Hurlstone. His so excited. Hopefully he can get into Hurlstone. ibryson88-1's parent, 2019
___'s got into Baulkam hills with 235.59. Wanted to keep you posted. Thank you for your help with everything. Daksh1's parent, 2019
Thank you so much! Even though our daughter started very last minute we believe Mathemafix helped prepare her. She got 217.53 and got an offer to Chatswood High School. Horsefan's parent, 2019
I received an interview invitation from Shore for Monday 12pm and Scots College for Wednesday 2.30pm. I think he did pretty okay for this ACER test as I didn't expect Scots will give him an opportunity as I put Scots as the 2nd preference. However based on on the interview time at Shore, his score shouldn't be the top top, maybe top middle as I already heard another boy who is from Waitara OC scheduled at 10.30am. Cross the finger he can do well at Shore as it's still the best school we want him to go, since SG has no chance.
A really wonderful news this morning. Shore offered 100% to ___. They didn't call instead sending out the email straight away. $3000, 48 hours to decide.
Just a further update that ___ received Scots 100% on last Sat and if accept the offer we need to pay before this Friday. I didn't really put a thought on Scots ever as I think it's too far.... however, these days more friends talk about those schools and it seems scots does have a good reputation and more famous apparently.
Just an update for ___ that he got 100% scholarship from Reddamhouse school. The interview was conducted on the 6th of May. The interview is only with himself and when the principle sent him out he even didn't ask me if i have any have expected them calling me in after interviewing ___ himself, but they didn't.
coconutnut's parent, 2019
Yes, about to share the good news with you. ___ got the full scholarship! How about your other girls? ___ says we should pay you a visit to thank you! I am still thinking what if we know you earlier?! Would she get something from Meriden? It's sad and happy news but life is full of unexpected.
I just got the email with all the documents from Santa. We need to seriously think about it. We quite like Dr . Herrett and the conversation went very well last week when we met. Though the school has climbed 29 places to No 30 in 2018 HSC results, its academic records are not as strong as Sydney Girls. We know nobody from that school so not sure about the culture etc. Any insights from you? We are thinking to request a school tour to find out more.
silver1's parent, 2019
PLC has just contacted us and invited my daughter in for interview of schalorships. The interview is on Wed morning and I'd like to seek some advice from you before hands in terms of how to prepare for the interview, eg. what kind of questions they'd ask. Can I pls give you a call sometime today? Thank you very much!
Thanks for your email and the updates. Yes we have received the official letter from PLC and were very pleased with the scholarship they offered.
Pandy's parent, 2019
___ got Meriden offer on the spot immediately. The interview is really short,only 3questions and even didn't go through the portfolio. The headmaster kept saying that Emma did really well for the test and has excellent result. I need to say thank you for helping ____ on her studying,she learned a lot from you and your website. Thank you~
Please keep secret for us as there are still a few kids will do the interview in next week.
Miss Watson's parent, 2019
Just wanted to let you know ____ has been offered a 100 per cent offer today from Sydney Grammar. We don't need to provide application or entrance fees or deposit, just a guarantee in writing that we won't accept any further offers or place in a selective school. We are completely surprised and delighted !! I have been impressed by Sydney Grammar, the conditions of the scholarship are that he stays in the top 30 per cent which I think is really fair and not too much pressure. I thought it would be a lot higher to be honest, top 10 percent.
Thought I'd mention, ____ was invited by Cranbrook for an interview today.
We accepted Sydney Grammar yesterday. I think it's a good fit for ____ and that's where he wants to go now. We won't bother going to the interview for Cranbrook.
Thor1's parent, 2019
I got a call this afternoon from Newington for an interview for ___ this Friday 10am. I will get him to prepare some notes and browse through the school website.
Thank you Peter, if they ever ask us if we are happy to take a scholarship less than 100%, what should we say?
A good news is we got a call yesterday from Newington headmaster for offering him 100% scholarship. I feel they ask quite a lot of deposit as I heard King charges $3600 deposit and Knox around $2800. I guess a lot of people in the past declined Newington in the past so they lifted the deposit to ensure people think before they do
coconutnut's parent, 2019
We got interview call from Meriden on last Friday afternoon. They specifically mentioned to not discuss, so request to please keep it discreet until interview.
We also got 100% on Saturday. It was offered on the spot already pre decided by Principal. This time again, her scores were high in non-knowledge based reasoning compared to maths n writing. And we were told that they give higher weightage to reasoning as that can't be tutored.
My daughters friend who's very bright also got it.
Now we will be confused if she also gets James ruse. :)
Thanks for your guidance, teachers get very high regard in India. We are grateful for your personal guidance throughout.
ksb17ss's parent, 2019
I have just received a call from King's school, we've got an interview invitation for Thursday morning!!!! Do you have any recommendations- how to prepare, how to behave, what to bring, what to wear etc.
Regarding the interview, I think it went ok. ___ was a bit shy but was answering the questions. They showed us the school, then talked about expectations for scholarships (asked him if he is prepared for that- to be in top 20 for all subjects) and then asked how much I am prepared to pay.
Just received a call - we've got an offer - 75% scholarship for King's school!!!!! WOW The big wonder happened! Thank you ever so much for everything, we've been so lucky having you as a teacher!!!! Now we need to think if we/he can do it. They said that they expect scholarship boys to be in top 20 for all subjects. Can ___ do that? He sounds keen. Still in shock !!
sashacat3's parent, 2019
We receive a call for an interview at PLC this morning. What a surprise? Do you have any tips to win the interview?
Yes, very tough competition. not easy to win a scholarship... Hopefully, my daugther will be claim and speak confidently during the interview.
____ got invited to attend a group activities in MLC scholarship. Do you have any ideas what are they doing in this 4hrs activities?, very long process
____ has an offer from PLC, 100% full scholarship. Thank you very much for all your helps and valuable tips.
panda's parent, 2019
Medha is been offered 100% scholarship from Danebank school, we are so happy!
Anyway the enrolment fee is $1000 non refundable. Not sure if we should bother wasting even that money.
Moonstone's parent, 2018
My daughter got a call from Pymble LC for interview on Monday. Anything we should be prepared for?
We were offered 25% scholarship. We didn't prepare properly for the interview as pymble is not possible for us to commute.
We would like to try for Meriden. It was a good experience though.
ksb17ss's parent, 2018
I am writing to share with you some good news. My daughter has been offered a full scholarship from Ravo. It was such a surprise and we are very grateful and happy. I have not received the test report yet, really curious to know how well she did.
She will continue doing the practices later when she has finished the few projects she has been working on. Thanks always for your help!
SuperVJ1's parent, 2018
My daughter got a score of 230.64 and got a spot in Hornsby Girls and also got a reserve (43) in North Sydney Girls. Her test marks were really high but school marks in English were low 77.94 I am disappointed with school marks for English and pretty sure she can't get so low.
Many thanks for your help
Tvish's parent, 2018
___'s results have been updated online.
His score was 243.11 - which was higher than expected but as you've noted everyone's marks are higher this year. ___ said he thought the test was easy - perhaps this is why the marks are higher.
He has also received a partial scholarship to Trinity Grammar School as well as a full scholarship to Sydney Grammar School. This gives him some options to consider which is great!
Thank you for all your help,
Percy1's, 2018
I just wanted to inform you that we have decided to take the SGS offer for _____. It was a tough decision but in the end, it came from a simple thought that if it wasn't for ___ in Scots, where should we send ___?.
____ also received 255 for his selective. This is not something outstanding but we are happy with the result given the effort that ___ has investigated in.
I would like to say thank you so much for the online tests, for all the valuable, resourceful information and frank but sensible suggestions from you.
We could not have made it without your support. We definitely comeback to your site in the next few years when our little ____ needs to prepare for his OC.
CharmeleonRPS' parent, 2018
Sorry I didn't reply your email coz no good news to tell you until now. We just got full scholarship offer from Knox Grammar. At least ____ won't be too disappointed that he hasn't got anything and now he has something to cheer him up. Thank you for so caring about him and providing good advice all along. Cluckey1's parent, 2018
___ has won scholarship at Pacific Hills Christian School. It is 60% and it is their max offer of that school. Thanks. Bluebird1's parent, 2018
You are spot on about George's river Grammar. This afternoon I received a call from the school and they offered 75% scholarship even without an interview. Either Ninja did very well or they are desperate for somewhat good students. Only about 40 students sat the exam at their school that day. She was more keen on what other school offers my son has. I told her that he is waiting for selective school results only. Anyway she said she will send the scholarship offer in writing with enrolment forms within couple of days.
As you know I sent him for this scholarship only because Acer sets the selective test and wanted him to have a feel about type of their questions. I am happy that you get one more to your scholarship win tally.
Ninja's parent, 2018
My daughter has been offered a full academic scholarship at ___ on the spot. :) ____ congratulated us on raising such a great daughter, not only because of her academic achievements, but also because of her goodness inside. We didn't even mention that we already got a full scholarship elsewhere. My daughter said she prefers going to ___ now.
We are overseas now. Just letting you know that I received an email that my daughter got another full scholarship offer from her 2nd preferred school (a coeducational school that offers IB courses) in the co-op ACER test.
My daughter got James Ruse offer! She got 258.95! I'm super happy and excited for her!
Cleverpeacock's parent, 2017
We are pleased to inform you that ____ has been offered a 100% academic scholarship at Scots College. In the meantime, Felix will still strive hard for both Sydney Grammar and Sydney Boys (but with a lot less pressure). Thank you for all the valuable guidance that you have given to us.
We are very pleased with ____'s results. He has scored 261.77 in his selective test. I hope you'll have a lot more stronger scores from your students. Thank you for all your support.
PikachuWPS's dad, 2017
We've just received an email offering _____ a 75% scholarship at Reddam! We are very happy, as this is the one that we liked most among the 3 private schools at which she attended the scholarship tests.
____'s results at the Selective test: 255.46
EmmaS's mum, 2017
We would like to let you know that our son got into James Ruse with score of 266.12. You helped a lot with let him do trial tests in you website and those practice test boosted him up a lot. We are very much thankful to you. mario9's parent, 2017
___ also got an offer last evening. 75% of scholarship. He did very good but as we know writing was not good enough. I will send you a screenshot later from the computer.
We are on holidays and ____ very happy, he got 254.84 for selective test.
CaptainOC's mum, 2017
____'s profile was 247.36. She was offered Girraween and She is reserve 25 for James Ruse. Thanks for all your help with the preparation. Jiya Rex1's parent, 2017
____ did not get offer for 1st choice Sydney Boys, He got offer for 2nd choice to Sydney Tech with 207.3. It's a big relief after all the efforts and time spent on the whole things. He could have got a better result, however looking back on all the situations and time spent it's still good news for us. I would like to thank you. Mathemafix in helping ____ getting into a selective school. TomT's parent, 2017
The interview with ____ started at 2:30 pm, lasting about 30 mins, and in the end he has verbally offered ____ 100% scholarship. Tomorrow she has been invited to attend a taste of Year 7.
Her result has been updated - 233.28 with Sydney Girls offer, not too bad, given her health condition on that day.
Iris2391's dada, 2017
_____ got 230.7 (from memory) and we are very happy she got in clean! Siobhan1's mum, 2017
____ GOT INTO SYDNEY BOYS!!! The score is 236.91. He is not happy with his score though!!! But I am extremely happy!!! Pokeroyale's mum, 2017
Hornsby girls has given the offer directly. ___ also got reserve 26 for North sydney girls. Very impressive result. Emma.G's parent, 2017
____ got into hurlstone. Waiting list 51 for Sydney boys. Thanks for all your help. Your prediction was spot on slug05's parent, 2017
___ got Sydney Girl offer with score 228.08/300. So we won't go to Sydney for interview (St George Christian scholarship) anymore. Thank you so much for your great help. Piano's mum, 2017
We got results for Scott. ____ got 210 and an offer to Hurlstone, which is a good relief. Thanks for your support again to get him this far. Scott1's mum, 2017
I've just received an email from the NSW Department of Education with ____'s results at the Selective test: she got an offer at Sydney Girls. Thank you again for all your help and support, Mathemafix is a fantastic tool, but most of all, your advice and constant feedback is what we mostly valued. EmmaS's mum, 2017
____ has been offered 100% scholarship by TKS. Thanks for your help and guidance over the past months.
Good news, he's got the full offer from Shore. I am torn because this is once a life chance to get into this exclusive school, it's not like the other schools you can pay to get in most of the time.
____ got JR 257.09
Clashonlocky's mum, 2017
Our son got 256.73 with Ruse offer. Thanks for all your help. Much appreciated. I think your prediction was correct. I am sure school did not give him high marks. Our son is anyway keen on ______. Our son states that he wants to join Mathemafix for HSC to get accurate scores and prediction. According to him, you are the invisible man who predicted his score correctly. I think it is time for you to start HSC coaching:). sbsydau1 's mum, 2016
I am pleased to advise that _____ has been offered placing in Sydney Boys High School. He achieved score of 220.55 which is in line with our range expectation. ajt_5's dad, 2016
___ got 234.85. We were very suprised with his score, we didn't aim too high as well. Remember we only wanted hurlstone? Fort St was our dream school but that was just a high hope... I know Syd boys & north syd boys are probably higher ranking schools but they were just too far to travel. JQ1's mum, 2016
You're right, your prediction was spot on! Isabelle got 199.1, so she's on reserve no 12 for St George and offer for Alexandria Park. I had to go off to work so haven't had a chance to read to find out how it works. I'll have a good read when I get a chance. I'm sure you are an excellent resource person I can turn to. Cecchellero's mum, 2016
I got 209.43 for the selective test and I was offered St George Girls high school. Thank you for your guidance, support and help. Aristotle , 2016
He did it :-))) dadi's mum, 2016
After all the hard work and long journey, finally we can see the result. ______ has been offered the scholarship today in ______ senior school in Bellevue Hill. On the other news, he has also been offered a placement in ______ in Hurstsville. We are still waiting from 1 other private school ie Newington Boys school. We are very grateful to receive the news. Without Mathemafix study program, he would be hard to meet these achievement. We want to thank you for your study monitoring. ajt_5's dad, 2016
I would like to thank you for your help in my goal of achieving a scholarship at ______ Private School. I believe Mathemafix was the only thing that helped me in achieving my goal. Mini maths challenge and problem solving series have helped immensely for the free response questions. I also found that _____ has similar questions to those at Mathemafix. This helped to get a few extra questions correct. Also the English Comprehension series and deep comprehension series helped in the reading part of _______. The writing forum was the biggest help of all. I am not sure how I would have even gotten an interview without it as there were 5 writing pieces in the real exam. I have learnt many writing skills which I will carry forever. As a result, I am greatly indebted to you as your are the invisible person behind my success and the success of many people to come. I will definitely recommend Mathemafix to people. Sbsydau, 2016
____ called yesterday and offered _____ 100% scholarship. ____ is happy with his result, however, he still prefers to get into Fort St though. At least this will help keep our options open, just in case _____ doesn't get Selective High, we can at least have this option to turn back on. Sbsydau, 2016
_____ called yesterday to arrange an interview. I assume the ACER results are out. I don't think ______ and I we will be attending because ______ wasn't impressed with the facilities at Newington so I doubt ______ will entice Nathan ... The Maverick's mum, 2016
Thanks Peter. _____ came 37 rank in HSC performance and we really liked the facilities inside. Son got 100% scholarship. We are considering seriously. We did not apply for St Aloisius so it is out of question.
James Ruse vs ______ -- lot of debate. But if he goes to Ruse, it is more unlikely that he will be top performer but in ______ we believe he will be a topper. It is tough we are thinking seriously.
Sbsydau's mum, 2016
We just received today a phone call from _______ advising that they will give ____ a 50% scholarship. They said will mail out soon documents.
Thank you for all your hard work Peter and for your help bringing ____ to this level. It is much appreciated. It was an amazing experience working with you.
Dadi's dad, 2016
We are pleased to inform you that ___ (PokemonRPS) has an offer to the Woollahra Public School in years 5 and 6. ___ achieved a calculated profile score of 263.40. On this occasion, we would like to thank Mathemafix for kindly sharing the trial OC tests FOC which assisted a lot in Felix's preparation for the real tests. PokemonRPS's dad, 2015
I am delighted to inform you I got into the selective school I wanted NORMANHURST BOYS HS with a profile score of 227. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart because without mathemafix or you I would not have made it and I'm sure my dad feels the same. THANKS B2003K, 2015
Thank you very much for your assistance with the preparation work for the selective school exam. ___ managed to get a calculated profile score of 237.90 out of 300. Hence managed to get the offer from his selected high school North Sydney Boys. Once again Thank You for the great program on the Mathemafix site. His primary source of preparation for the selective school exam was your excellent site/program. He only went for a few sessions with the coaching schools. JMan's dad, 2015
Selective profile - 227.01. My son felt that the real test was much similar to the tests on mathemafix. I have recommended mathemafix to so many people. Thanks for your help. Awesomesauce's parent, 2015
____ got 215.72 and got accepted to St George. See attached. It looks like our strategy has worked and Sasha's 2.5 months preparations reached peak when it was needed. I would like to thank you for all your help with the process for the last few months. For all your time for personal consultations, but more importantly for your involvement and kind guidance regarding preparations strategy overall. Sassy's dad, 2015
____ received a 75% scholarship from Tara today and we don't know what to do.. Appreciate it if you can send some guidance.
____ gave us 24 hrs to make a decision and we decided to not taken the offer as _____ likes North Sydney. This is her choice. My poor husband not happy but we cannot force something she doesn't like.
Nadee's dad, 2015
___ got 232.57 and offered North Sydney girls. First of all I want to thank you, with out your website and your guidance ___ will never achieve this result. She is been tutoring from year 4, but last 6-4 months with your website was the best decision we have made for our daughter. Thanks again, Our expectation for ___ around 220 marks and she is surprise us. She got her 1st choice of school where she loves to go... Nadee's mum, 2015
I got an offer at Hurlstone Agricultural High School (Day). I am also a reserve on Fort St, 56th in line. I got 210.39 for my score. Thanks for your help! Katerina, 2015
____ had offer from Sydney girl HS and in Reserve list of North Sydney Girl HS, I really appreciate all supports from you! ____'s score is 220.22, not very high, but I'm still very happy with that, her reserve list no. is 39 , I don't think we have big chance to get in North Sydney Girl. Now ____ is preparing for CONSERVATORIUM High School. That's her aim! SelinaQ's mum, 2015
Thank you very much for all your assistance; it was extremely helpful and I do not think I could be at this level had I not had your help. Whenever I dropped in my consistency, you pushed me back again. I did not go to coaching at all in my preparation for Selective, so thank you very, very much for everything. Purple Cheetah, 2015
I just saw the email from them. ____ has scored 244.50 and was offered Hornsby Girls High. That was our first preference. We now have tough time deciding which school to choose selective or scholarship. PurpleCheetah's dad, 2015
Hoping you are well. We have just received ____'s SS result and she got 253.87 points and is being offered James Ruse. Thanks for your advise and suggestions and your website helped a lot. Mi's dad, 2015
I got a score of 238.47 and made it into Hurlstone! I'm really happy about my score, but it would have been nothing without your great tutoring and website. Thanks for everything! Jacy, 2015
Very proud of her for getting syd girls. 228.75 Chacha1's mum , 2015
___ got an offer from Hurlstone. Her score is 219.65 Thanks for your guidance and help. Nehaj's mum, 2015
I thought you would be interested to know that ___ achieved an OC result of 241.34 and was accepted to Greenacre PS. ___ did not attend any intensive OC trial courses offered by the tutoring centres and only worked on Mathemafix. I have requested the raw scores and will advise you on these when I receive them. I only request that you use Juggernaut instead of ___s' name, when advising other parents of his results. Many thanks for Mathemafix and I hope to get ___ working for the selective test soon. Juggeraut's parent, 2014
I am glad to let you know that our son has got 276.87 and highest was 286.36. lot of Kids from his school got as well. I am not sure how many kids in between his score and high score. I am not sure whether it is good mark but your estimation was accurate. I believe his school mark might have been slightly less and I will let you know once the scores are available. still very proud of him. Our son believes Mathemafix helped him a lot than any other coaching and your prompt feedback at all times is highly appreciated. Once again great thanks to you. We will continue our journey with you soon. Sbsydau's parent, 2014
We wanted to share the great news with you. Our son got ICAS medal in Mathematics and he believes that Mathemafix played a great role in getting that. He missed in science by one mark as well. Silly mistake.!!! He wanted to say thank you to you. Sbsydau's parent, 2014
___ got into north syd girls with 246.1 thanks for all your help. We are still trying to get a meriden scholarship if there are any rejects from their offers. If not, we are quite happy with this result. Thanks for all your advice, encouragement and website resources. Rainbow's mum, 2014
We got the results, and ___ got an offer to Baulkham Hills High School. His Profile score is 236.53. I expected a bit more marks than he received but the exam must have been hard. I'm happy he got through to Baulkham Hills. Thank you so much Peter. You helped him a lot to achive his goal. Shan77's mum, 2014
I got my results ad I'm sure my mum told you the rest. So I wanted thank you because I know that without your help, I wouldn't have been able to get the marks that I had gotten, and I definitely would not be good enough for Baulkham Hills High. Shan77, 2014 (Shan77 was Ryan77 in 2012 with OC score 226.65)
___ got into Sydney Boys (237). Thank you sooo much for your guidance, advice and encouragement along the way. You have really helped him a lot to achieve this.

Thank you very much again.
Robot-j's mum, 2014
Zekrom2003 had a calculated profile score of 233.24 and received an offer for fort street high school. Zekrom2003's mum, 2014
___'s SS result is out, it is 232.49. He got Girreween offer. Thank you for all these years of preparation for this extremely important test in your website. And for my daughter is also participating in your online course, she is a little bit below average especially in English. Now we try more in reading room, I hope she can improve further. Srunner's dad, 2014 (Srunner was Smartail in 2012 with OC score 228.9)
___ got 231.8 and the offer from Sydney boys, it is not a very good but still enough :) Thank you so much for your information, My daughter Selina is year 1 now, I schedule to use your website when she is year 3. Please keep in touch. Garret's dad, 2014
I just checked my work email. ___ has accepted in Sydney Boys. His score is 227.03 out of 300. Thank you for your help and I spread your website to all my friend and family. (I hope you don't mind). I am happy that his confidence is back on time and the result is excellent. Cochrag's mum, 2014
___ got in Sefton High School. According to this attachment, is that her mark is 201.7. Sefton High School is also my favourite one. I know Catherine's weakness and I'm very happy with the result. Thanks very much for your supports and hard working. Superstar's mum, 2014
___ got 192 ... (exact score you predicted).. and accepted into Sydney Secondary College Balmain Campus (with reserve at Leichardt) I like the position of the campus on harbour, but have no idea if it is OK ..._your thoughts?
Just a quick email to say thank you for all the help with Finn. We just got confirmation that he got into St. Alo's on a small bursary. I am sure without your help it would not had happened.
Lasource's dad, 2014
Hanwen's OC score is only 225.35, not very good. Actually I found your site just before the OC test. I think he might only finished 1/3 of your free test papers and also did not know your timing strategy. But We felt your questions are good for OC preparation. Hope he may get more SS practice later. Thank you for your help. Victor's mum, 2013
Johnny03 has got an OC placement to Summer Hill Public School with a score of 260. Thanks for the great website for him to practise. Johnny03's dad, 2013
___ got 254.92 and received a first round offer to James Ruse. Outcome advice states this year maximum is 281.87. It looks like they have scaled down of raw marks ?? ___ was expecting around 265-270 mark, but any way he got the expected offer. I am going to request for the detailed results and will let you know when I receive it.

May I also take this opportunity thank you so much for your fantastic support and wonderful contributions towards this great outcome. I know how much meant to ___ to boost his confidence whenever he fell demoralised. I was not around most of the time due to my work commitments and mathemafix was a bridge for me to identify his strengths and weaknesses and take action accordingly.
Magicninja, 2013
Firstly, I highly appreciate your help during my Selective Test preperation. During last year I mainly focused on your website system which greatly affected my Selective score. I attended a few mock tests during the beginning of the year but your website helped me the most. My score was within your expectation. I got 222.65 which I'm pleased with.
Thank you again for your great help and support.
Meimei, 2013
She made it in to Sydney girls high school which was our first choice with about 230 marks. Thank you very much for your support. Ria's mum, 2013
My son (smartail) OC result is 228.9 out of 300. Unfortunately he didn't get offer, I had chosen the school that is too high for him. Next year we would like to back to your website to get more practice, more focus on Selective school. Smartail's dad, 2012
___ scored 226.65. This is 100% from OC exam. He didn't get any marks from his School. And he did not get a placement from the schools he applied. Ryan77's mum, 2012
My son's OC result is 230. Thanks very much for the wonderful website you provide to help my child get an offer. Funboy's dad, 2012
I got 214.55 points,thank you so much OAS website. It's help me alots. Bridget, 2012
This is to inform you that I have been offered a place in Hornsby High School. My score is around 225. Thanks a lot for the tests. I think the tests style is very similar to the actual test and I am really glad that I had opportunity to improve my Maths and GA skills here. Richa, 2012
Just to let you know that you're the first person I contact re OC test result for ___. I found the email (went into my deleted file automatically somehow) just now. ___ was offered his first choice at a local OC class, where his sister went. He scored 281.55 out of 300. Lou's mum, 2009
I thought you'd be really glad to know that I got ___' SS results just now that he's offered Sydney Boys with a score of 245.17. According to the email, the highest was 285.17 and average being 180.04 out of 300. ___ was quietly confident he'd get through, but I was a bit dubious because of the unanswered questions. Thanks for all your help over the years. It's much appreciated. ___ now has to make a difficult decision about high school. Hope your daughter is enjoying herself at high school and the holidays. Lou's mum, 2011

For details of the above students' performance, please visit

Congrats ...

OC Support Group is now on offer for grade 3/4 students.
Selective Support Group is now on offer for grade 5/6 students.

Since 2008, Mathemafix has been offering free accounts and online tests for students around Australia to have a common playground to anonymously compare their performance with other students. Since 2012, Mathemafix started to offer support to students who wish to sit for OC, selective school and scholarship tests. The OC and SS support groups have been growing steadily with very high rate of success for the members. The preparation program covers English, mathematics, science, general knowledge, ... all what needed for being competitive at these difficult tests.




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